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Winter Guide: 7 Skin Care Tips You Need To Follow During Cold Season


winter skincare routine

It's time to go through your wardrobes and get out those sweaters and blankets because winter is here! While preparing to defend yourself from the cold winds, keep in mind that your skin also requires protection. Many people avoid a proper winter skincare routine, which may be harmful to their skin, especially if they use makeup. The cold weather may rob moisture from your skin, leaving it dry and uncomfortable, which can contribute to a variety of skin issues such as dry skin, eczema, and other allergies. However, this does not have to be the case. If you take care of your skin, it could have a positive effect on your skin during winter.

You can keep that healthy glow if you stick to the same winter skincare routine you used in the summer. However, keep in mind that your summer skincare routine will not work in the winter. A new season needs a new skincare routine. These simple steps can help your skin stay healthy and moisturized during colds.

#1: Avoid Hot Showers

We know how tempting hot water baths might be during the winter, but they are bad for your skin. Hot water exhausts your skin's natural oils, leaving it dry and irritated. If you enjoy long baths, use lukewarm water; if you can't give up your hot showers, reduce the time.

#2: Keep Moisturize

It is important to moisturize your skin right after a shower. Applying moisturizer immediately after helps to lock in the moisture into the skin. It is also important to choose skin care products that are suitable for your skin type. Use water-based skincare products if you have oily skin, heavier oil-based moisturizers if you have dry skin, and avoid skin care products that include harsh fragrances and colours if you have sensitive skin.

#3: Stay Hydrated

This is an obvious choice. Drink enough water to keep your skin moisturized from the inside, whatever the season may be. During the winter, we prefer to replace water with hot beverages, which does not help keep the skin moisturized. 3 liters of water per day is recommended every day.

#4: Don't Forget Sunscreen

Sunscreens are not just for summer. UV rays are still harmful, no matter how pleasant they feel against your skin. You can also enjoy the warmth of the sun after applying sunscreen.

#5: Bed Time Skin Care Routine

No matter how exhausted you are, you should follow your bedtime skincare routine. Try to avoid lotions with a lot of preservatives and fragrances.

#6: Pick Your Skin Care Products Wisely

What protects your skin from the heat in the summer will not help you during the winter. Depending on the season, you should change your skincare routine. Summer heat produces excessive sweating and oilier skin, which is why cooling moisturizers and cleansers with eucalyptus and menthol extracts are helpful to the skin and even keep the pores clean. However, your skin becomes drier during the winter and requires moisturizing. Using hydrating lotion cleansers, lotions, and creams will help soften and soothe your skin throughout these times.

#7: Avoid Washing Your Face Frequently

Frequency in washing up your face should be avoided during the cold season as it will strip away your natural oils at the same frequency, yet that doesn't mean not cleaning up at all. In case of dirt accumulation, you can use gentle cleaners. Whenever you wash your face and moisturize your skin immediately it avoids dryness. The other option is to use hydrating face wipes if you want to refresh your face, time and again.

These are just a few of the tips you may try to make this cold season much more pleasant by flaunting your fresh, happy, and nourished skin!

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